“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust
Something very exciting is happening behind the scenes here and I’d like to invite you to join me on a voyage of discovery!
My inbox has been receiving a flurry of new subscribers and of course, I’m thrilled to bits! We welcome you all, young and not-so-old, blind, visually-impaired or sighted, to come and enjoy Touching Landscapes together.
One blogging tip I shared
during the presentation was how to create an editorial calendar. When you are setting out on the blogging journey, it’s like a story compass that can guide you as you navigate new ideas and turn them into upcoming posts.
At Touching Landscapes, the main focus has been on travelling to outer destinations as my eyesight fades. I have written stories to share the experience of using a white cane or a guide dog when travelling independently, and I have recaptured memorable travel anecdotes through France and Spain with my intrepid travel companions, Harry and Mike, as well as bringing the Australian landscape a little closer for my world-wide readers.
Having reached a wider readership of travel-loving folk brings me to an exciting challenge – and I’m hoping you will jump on board to help me out!
I would love to make the journey truly awesome for my readers, and take you to those places of inner and outer discovery. In order to do this, I am taking a giant leap across Cyberspace to extend a warm invitation and ask YOU for your personal input to help navigate us into the future posts of Touching Landscapes.
Let’s Try Something New
If you would like us to hear your voice, ideas and questions – here is what you can do.
Tell me your response to the following question which only YOU can answer,
Do you have a burning question related to travel, journeys, inner and outer discovery while living with blindness, that you would like ME to cover in an upcoming post?
Yes?…. GREAT!
Send us your comments and let’s set sail in a new direction together!
Maribel & Harry

Copyright © Maribel Steel